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Thought Leadership from the Leaders in Virtual Accounting and Bookkeeping Services
14, January

Identify High-Performance Revenue Channels and Eliminate the Losers

Whether you run a small, medium, service-based, or product-based business, chances are you offer a variety of products, services, and possibly even pricing models. Construction companies take on big projects, little projects, and some in between. A marketing firm might bill some clients per job and others per hour or on a monthly rate. Businesses selling products might have as few as five or as many as 5,000 skews available in different colors and sizes. Although all of these offerings likely bring in revenue, most often in business, only a few offerings actually generate profits. In fact, it's not uncommon for the jobs with the highest price tags (i.e. the largest revenue streams) to generate the smallest profits. 

8, September

Telecom, Travel and Technology: What to Consider When Managing the Three T's of Expense Management

Managing a profitable company is all about controlling costs enough that revenues outpace expenses and margins are.

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10 Signs Your Business Is Ready For Outsourced Accounting Services
