Topics: events, vistage, industry events, ADC news, company news, chairworld
Last week, Business Development Representative, Luke Backus, attended ADC's 11th Vistage ChairWorld in Orlando, FL!
ChairWorld is a place for Vistage Chairs to come together and attend various breakout sessions, networking opportunities, and evening fun to learn new strategies, improve leadership skills, and more.
Topics: events, vistage, industry events, ADC news, company news, chairworld
This week, Business Development Representative, Luke Backus, attended ADC's 10th Vistage.
Topics: events, vistage, industry events, ADC news, company news, chairworld
This week, Business Development Representative, Luke Backus, attended Vistage ChairWorld in.'s team attended the 2021 Vistage ChairWorld in Las Vegas, NV, and had an excellent time.