To outsource or not outsource your accounting? That is the question. Suppose you are like most business owners and managers. In that case, you often ponder the idea of outsourcing some or all of your accounting projects yet remain somewhat indecisive as outsourcing requires a small leap of faith.
However, such a leap of faith is worth considering, especially when a proven team of experienced accountants is ready and willing to tailor outsourced accounting services to your company's nuanced numbers-related challenges. If you notice any of the five signs detailed below, you should give serious consideration to outsourcing your accounting services as soon as possible.
Delays in Payroll, A/P, A/R
Even a slight delay in processing payroll has the potential to alienate employees, sabotage your business and potentially result in the closure of your enterprise. Furthermore, delayed payments to other companies will also jeopardize your organization’s critically important relationships with partners who are essential to maintaining your competitive advantage.
Add in the fact that delayed payments to your accounts receivable department will send your business's cash flow into a downward spiral. It is just even more of a reason to outsource accounting services to those who have the skills, time, and manpower necessary to retrieve payments owed in a timely manner.
Above all, it is in your interest to avoid the cardinal sin of business: leaving money on the table due to the lack of labor or supply. Fail to pay your employees what they are owed or mistime the payment of wages/salaries and they will venture to what appears to be greener grass with another employer. The worst-case scenario is losing employees to a competitor or just losing them in general.
The investment you make in outsourced accounting services will pay exponentially larger dividends in the form of healthier financials and a more efficient business overall.
Accounting is Eating Away at Your Limited Time
Business owners are people of many hats, meaning they embrace diverse workplace challenges, sacrificing their self-interest and happiness for the greater good of the collective. However, it is a mistake to attempt to wear every single hat. Instead of assuming you can spread yourself thin across a multitude of roles, admit your time is better spent focusing on ownership/managerial projects and outsourcing accounting services to those specialists.
Even if you took accounting classes in college, are good with numbers, and have an accountant or two on-site, it is important that you recognize the merits of outsourced accounting services. Perform an honest evaluation of your in-house accounting accuracy and efficiency, highlight shortcomings, including the time crunch of accounting projects, and outsource some or all of your number-crunching projects to proven accounting specialists.
Once your accounting is outsourced, you’ll be liberated to do what you do best: steering the ship that is your business rather than focusing on the minutia of the company’s complex accounting challenges.
You Fear an Audit
If the prospect of an audit causes you to feel nervous or fearful, you lack confidence in your company's accounting records and overall capabilities. Ask business owners who have outsourced their accounting projects to specialists and you’ll find they have no fear when it comes to a potential audit.
Outsourced accounting services providers sweat all the small stuff of accounting, preparing and processing financial reports in accordance with each client’s unique needs.
By outsourcing your accounting to a team of proven accounting specialists, you'll sleep soundly knowing all of your company’s financials are in the proper order, up-to-date and accurate.
Your Business is Growing - Be Prepared
Outsourced accounting services are especially important for a growing business as opposed to one that is stagnating or downsizing. Even moderate growth has the potential to spread your in-house accountants thin, making it difficult to keep accurate track of A/R, A/P, payroll, employee benefits, reconciliations, and other accounting details.
Instead of burdening your team with even more work, outsource your accounting projects and your in-house employees will be that much more productive and prepared to scale.
Accounting Problems are Becoming More Frequent
Missing a single payment to a vendor, business partner, venture capitalist financier, contractor or employee has the potential to result in lasting negative ramifications. Though the occasional accounting error is inevitable, an uptick in such errors is cause for concern.
Recognize the fact that there is a problem, outsource your accounting projects to accounting specialists and you’ll find these experienced professionals minimize errors or even prevent them altogether.
The icing on the cake is the fact that outsourced accounting service providers have the manpower, experience, and skills necessary to remedy previous accounting errors, setting the stage for accurate accounting that maximizes deductions and your bottom line.
For more information about outsourced accounting services and how they could benefit your business, reach out to today.