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Thought Leadership from the Leaders in Virtual Accounting and Bookkeeping Services
12, April

Know What The Future Holds with Cash Flow Forecasting

Cash flow forecasting is an important process. It's used to estimate the flow of cash that comes in and goes out of a business over a set time period. When it's accurate, it makes it easier for a business owner to predict future financial positions.

By making those kinds of predictions, the owner of a business is better able to avoid cash shortages, and invest surplus cash effectively. Naturally, both of those areas are valuable to a company, whether it's been around for a long time or it's just getting started.

30, March
9, December

How Revenue Forecasting Gives A Business A Glimpse Into The Future

Financial forecasting is always important for any business. It allows you to know what's coming down the road..

22, December

ADC Announces All Clients to Receive Financial Dashboard in 2021

Breaking News: co-Founders Dennis Najjar, CPA and Bill Gerber announce all clients will.

26, October

How to Troubleshoot Your Profit Margins

When a company’s profit margins aren’t at expected levels, a variety of factors can be at play. Profit margins are.

17, December

When Should You Trade Margins for Net Profit?

Margins are one of a business's most important metrics. After all, the more you can charge over your costs, the more.
28, August

3 Ways to Forecast Your Revenue

Your business revenue forecast is an essential part of future business planning. You need to know approximately how.
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