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Independence Week Accounting Software Providers: Tallie

tallie awardsIn honor of the upcoming Independence Day, we're highlighting a couple of revolutionary accounting software products available on the market today. Today's blog post takes a look at the benefits and features of one our our favorite expense management and reporting apps - Tallie!

From their very cool San Francisco office mere steps from AT&T Park to their awesome staff and dedication to creating the perfect expense management app, we can't get enough of Tallie! (We swear, we use it ourselves!). So if you are you looking for an expense accounting mobile app that automates an employee’s entire expense report every step of the way, has easy integration with your QuickBooks or applications, and perhaps prefer a company that recently won a whole slew of awards, Tallie for iOS or Android is what you need.

Everything Streamlined

Tallie streamlines the expense reporting process without actually skipping any steps, and it has built-in auditing triggers that will keep any accounting services manager satisfied. Tallie’s product support experts get the customers up and running, fully integrated with the local accounting environment.

The Tallie Workflow

The best way to take advantage of what Tallie has to offer is from the workflow perspective. Tallie automates the claim to approval to posting, streamlines it, and has built-in triggers along the way.

  1. Record Expenses: The employee records the expense. It could be a smartphone image of a meal receipt, a credit card import, or a mileage calculation based on origin and destination. Expenses accumulate until they are transmitted to the manager via email.
  2. Check the Work: The manager rejects or approves the expense. The employee’s email report may contain reviewable receipt images, flags for possible duplicate entries (to keep honest people honest), or flagged expense items that fail to comply with company expense policies (for instance, your organization might not reimburse for alcoholic beverages with a meal).
  3. Bring in the Data: The accountants bring in the expense data and integrate it with everything. Actually, this step could be promoted to number 1, because before steps 1 and 2 occur, your accounting services company has already:
  • synced Tallie with the QuickBooks or accounting applications or other flat files
  • created user accounts for employees who claim expenses and managers who approve them
  • set up the Tallie expense categories and mapped them to the general ledger
  • provided the final destination for exporting all the expense transactions
  • set up the rules that detect unauthorized expense claims
  • customized any unique chains of approval based on project or organizational element

Reports and Analytics

There’s gold in all that data, and your bookkeeping and controller services can mine it all by viewing an individual expense report, or as a group to any active payroll or bill payment system. Tallie also has an analytics engine with detailed reports and chart options.

So no matter what the source of the expense or the destination of the data, Tallie is definitely the application your accounting service has been waiting for.

Did we mention they also recently won a Stevie Award for Support Team of the Year in the Computer Services category? Who wouldn't want an app most recently recognized for stellar support? (seriously, check out all those awards!)

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