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The Felix & Oscar of Outsourced Accounting - Happy 15th Anniversary!

Written by Andrea Boccard | March 4, 2019 lore begins with the serendipitous pairing of two unlikely but uniquely matched co-founders. Self-nicknamed the “Felix & Oscar” of outsourced accounting services, Bill Gerber and Dennis Najjar came together 15 years ago with one clear passion—arming business owners and entrepreneurs with the clear, reliable, and insightful financial information they need to make successful strategic decisions and grow their businesses. 

According to legends, a strong DSL connection and many trips from Hartford to northern New Jersey came together to plant the initial seeds that would become Dennis and Bill would jet across the country on shoestring budgets to setup and train early staff, meet new clients, and get services up and running. After the first year, they were successfully in business and the rest, as they say, is history.

Except it is not all history—not by a long shot. From March 4, 2004 to present day, the number of changes, adaptations, evolutions and additions have propelled fledging into the leading accounting company it is today. Join us every day this month as we highlight the milestones, moments and missions of ADC over the past 15 years (and into the future!)