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Dennis & Bill Share Happy Holidays with Clients

Written by Andrea Boccard | December 16, 2020

"Happy Holidays Everyone! This year has brought an incredible number of challenges, which we believe are presented an equally incredible number of opportunities to innovate. Today, we'd like to take a moment to share with you what we've done, what we're doing, and what we're planning." (Make sure to watch to the end for the Behind the Scenes outtakes!)

Full Transcript Continues:

"First off we'd like to wish you a very very happy holidays in years past we've always sent out gifts of healthy, delicious fruit to you, but given the current pandemic environment, we have chosen to reallocate our holiday budget and make a donation on behalf of"

"Bill and I will be donating to local food banks to help combat the current food insecurities faced by so many today. On behalf of Bill and myself, thank you for allowing us to pivot in this way to give back to others. This year was certainly a year to pivot. When we started 2020, we had really big goals for the year, as I'm sure many of you had the same."

"When the pandemic hit we connected directly with just about every one of you to see how we could help. For some, that meant that we had to adjust services. For others, we needed to start updating our forecast and give you more insight. And for all, we needed support and care."

"Even though we're still very much in the pandemic, we are proud to say we were able to navigate this as both a partner to you and our team. Now as we look to 2021, we have new goals in mind. First and foremost, you will notice a tremendous emphasis on advisory services. You'll be working with your controller to set those KPIs, establish budgets, monitor forecasts, and gain control over what your future will look like."

"If we learned anything this year, it’s that knowing these things are paramount to your success. We invested so many hours to train our team to think looking forward not just reporting on numbers from behind You need more than that. In addition, we're looking for your feedback. What can we do better? What can we do differently? What can we do more of—or less of—what do you need to help your business grow?"

"And we are also planning to expand the culture and collaboration between all of us. We've always been a source of referrals for obvious things like CPA firms and outsourced CFOs, but we have a very diverse client base of like-minded entrepreneurs. that can help each other out. And our goal for 2021 is to connect you with what you need from across the entire spectrum of small business needs."

"And we have something to ask of you as well. We know that your circles are large and you have deep connections with other entrepreneurs and small business. We ask that when you hear that someone has a problem that our services can help solve that you please recommend us as a possible solution."

"Things are not going to change immediately on January 1st. We know this we still have plenty to get through and together. We will look forward to a 2021. We thank you for being our client and part of our ADC family. Have a happy and successful holiday season. Happy Holidays!"