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Best Practices for Business Bookkeeping

Author : Bill Gerber
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There are nationwide accounting policies, called the GAAP principles of accounting, for most professional bookkeepers to follow. In addition, businesses may have their own policies and procedures they would prefer their bookkeeping staff to follow. And you can be sure, if you hire any bookkeeper, she also has her own preferred ways of doing things. But if good business bookkeeping needs one thing, it’s consistency.

This is one reason outsourcing financial services may be a good idea for your company — if you select the right business bookkeeping firm. At, all our bookkeepers and financial controllers are trained in the same policies and procedures. But we will meet with you beforehand to determine your unique needs and preferences, too.

Then we create a Client Procedures Manual exclusive to you and your needs. This manual details the procedures, is based on our years of experience and our overall company standards and processes. The handbook includes detailed instructions for how we will capture your daily financial activity, as well as the functions to be performed monthly, quarterly and annually, including when and how financial statements are delivered.

This Procedures Manual makes it easy for any bookkeeper in our firm to answer your questions or take over bookkeeping tasks in case your dedicated bookkeeper is out for a day or a week.

With the right accounting policies in place, outsourcing financial services actually puts more control of your financial records in your hands, without power struggles over the way things “should” be done.

If this consistent approach to business bookkeeping appeals to you, why not give a call today for a free quote?

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